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On the Streets

On The Streets

The Goat
Department of Awesome Headquarters
Apr 6

Written by: Kasz
4/6/2009 10:37 AM 

That's right if we all pull together, and if the stars align just right, Legendary Rock Band KISS could play in Lloydminster!

Here's the press release:

For their upcoming tour of North America, KISS is letting their fans determine exactly where they rock and roll all night and party every day. Starting this afternoon at, fans in the U.S. and Canada can vote to have their town included in the tour itinerary.

The band says that "No matter where the fans say--from stadiums to cornfields--if there are enough votes, KISS will be there! And in order to keep the competition fair for smaller cities, final site selection will weigh population size versus total votes."

"KISS has never followed the rules--we have always broken them. KISS has never listened to critics-we have always listened only to the fans," said Gene Simmons. "It's time to give back to the fans with bigger shows and longer set lists. And for the first time anywhere, we want our fans to tell us where they want us, and when."

Added Paul Stanley, "No band has ever given their fans the power to decide what cities they play, and no fans deserve it more than ours. We're leaving the next U.S. and Canadian tour up to the Army. When they stand up, they will be counted!"

That's awesome! lets get on it people! here's the link


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